Recent Changes in TWiki Web retrieved at 04:21 (GMT)

SmiliesPlugin emoticons Smilies are common in e mail messages and bulletin board posts. They are used to convey an emotion, such as a smile #058; ) : ) or a frown...
Package TWiki::Prefs::Parser This Prefs internal class is used to parse Set and Local statements from arbitrary text, and extract settings from meta objects....
TWiki Logos The official TWiki logo is a big `T` in a speech bubble conveying `working together`, and has a `collaborate with TWiki` tag line. Logo Artwork...
Package TWiki::LoginManager The package is also a Factory for login managers and also the base class for all login managers. On its own, an object of this class is...
TWiki External Links URLs starting with file , ftp , gopher , http , https , irc , mailto , news , nntp and telnet are linked automatically if preceded...
TWiki Add Ons Add functionality to TWiki with extensions not based on the TWiki scripts. Overview An add on runs separately from the TWiki scripts, e.g. for data...
Search Help Search Pages There are two search pages; WebSearch offers basic search features, while WebSearchAdvanced offers more control over searches. By default...
PreferencesPlugin Introduction Allows editing of preferences using fields predefined in a .TWikiForms. However, the edit fields are inlined in the text, similar...
NewsPlugin Introduction The News plugin implements a simple `Headlines` view, or summary, of a list of news or a weblog. Add a % NEWS% variable in a news...
(just an example illustrating how to create a new topic based on a specific template topic. .TWikiTemplates has more)

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Related topics: RSS feed, rounded corners RSS feed, ATOM feed, WebNotify, site changes, site map

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Topic revision: r13 - 2015-09-17 - TWikiContributor
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