Some News
Please add your news items in this page, most recent first.
NewsPlugin - generated headlines can be found in
Announces should be in the form of bulleted lists (3 spaces, a star, a space).
The first line of the first 5 news will be shown in the front page,
so try to put a meaningful short summary as the first line.
- 1.24 18 Feb 2003 fixes
- hidden webs now do not appear in sitemap anymore
- if NOSEARCHALL is set in a WebPreferences of a web, do not include it in group searches
- some html bug fixes in ks_leftbar template
- typo fixed in the doc: TOPIC instead of TOPICS found by Nathan Neulinger
- default CSS: class "compact" can be used in ul and table tags to set left margin of bulleted list to none
- 1.23 21 Dec 2002 accesskeys in tooltips.
- WARNING does not work on cygwin. please use 1.22 on cygwin (it triggers a bug in cygwin: "cannot fork"...)
- doc: all accesskeys documented in tooltips ([Alt-E]...)
- 1.22 21 Dec 2002 bugfixes
- bugfix: Wiki Words in web description messed up tabs
- bugfix: some wrong title colors in search results pages
- hidden webs are indented a bit more in sitemaps
- 1.21 17 Dec 2002
- [!] You should apply the Patch TWiki:Codev/ViewUseCssInKoala
- tooltips to all the tabs and links in view mode
- bugfix: background color for sitemap was omitted.
- docfix: TOPICSTOP was not documented
- script now checks that the needed variables are defined in TWikiPreferences, and issue warnings on missing ones
- default css for html tags <b> and <i>, and twiki __ constructs are rendered in a colored ink. Note that this is not the case for the twiki * and _ constructs as they are mapped to strong and em tags
- Access keys supported, on mnemotechnic letters. Disablable via the KSNOACCESS variable
- favicon.ico supported
- 1.20 11 Dec 2002
- [!] Apply the patches NoWebHome.patch and NoWebHome2.patch from: TWiki:Codev/SettingParentTopicToNone
(it is only cosmetics, will not break if not applied)
- [!] define the variable %CSS% in the TWikiPreferences to nothing.
- [!] define the variable %TOPICSTOP% in the TWikiPreferences to nothing.
- New %CSS% TWiki var to override CSS per web
- New global Koala Skin KSCSS var to define an additional external style sheet local to the site
- New layout:
- left margin is smaller
- left margin do not depend anymore on web/topic names (long names could ruin the layout before)
- "breadcrumbs trail" to give the hierarchy at the top instead of the left margin
- New global variable KSNOMARGIN, and per-web option NOMARGIN to specify a different layout with no left margin for webs having wide contents.
- New option KSFILEPERMS (= ALL for all users, or unix group name) at Martin request.
- New options to set position of TWikiForms per web: FORM_LM, FORM_TL, FORM_TR, FORM_BL, FORM_BR, and global variable KSFORM_POS for the default.
- checkbox labels are clickable, see TWiki:Codev/FormsUseLabelTags
- New link to directly create a new topic, via new template oopscreate
- Cleaner layout (skin) for printing.
- textarea {width: "90%";height: "60%";} removed from style (bug in IE 5)
- fix: quoting of "%TOPICPARENT%" in savemulti by Esteban Manchado
- -r option to script to uninstall
- reorganisation of the code, it should be easier to add features now.
- 1.19 18 Sep 2002
- Support for Navbar Plugin: See KSNONAVBAR variable To enable Navbar support, install the plugin, and re-generate
- some macros in templates/ks_boxes.koala.txt to do text boxes in the color scheme of the web
- bugfix: lock remained when previewing before save with mod_perl
- new feature: option HIDDEN possible on sub-webs to save navigation bar space. (contributed by Fabio Spreafico and Wenzel Kalus, Biomax)
- 1.18 23 Aug 2002
- bugfix: navigation bar was badly generated in some cases
- 1.17 21 Aug 2002
- [!] add the line to your Site Prefs (TWikiPreferences), to be forward-compatible with the upcoming TWiki release.
6 spaces * Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99%
- bugfix: names like WebHome have been replaced by their "meta" name, (e.g.: %HOMETOPIC%)
- bugfix: sitemaps were broken in 1.16 (bad html comment syntax: -- is forbidden in comments, but browsers didnt mind before...)
- bugfix: search result pages header colors were broken since 1.14
- 1.16 09 Aug 2002
- bugfix: CSS was misplaced on some views (search, diff...) (bug introduced in 1.14 found by Jon Reid)
- bugfix: some garbage could be seen in some views in the parents field on some pages.
- bugfix: cleaning pass on html to pass W3C validator
. Tested: view, diffs, changes. Work remains to do for other scripts (edit), but may imply more fixes to TWiki itself.
- for validation, you may want to apply also this patch:
- 1.15 08 Aug 2002
- new option variable KSNOEXPAND for space-tight people, to use the same template/ space as 1.14 and before. (no need to upgrade if you do not need this option)
- 1.14 07 Aug 2002
- [!] bugfix: when saving with the bottom save button from the preview view, parent field was overwritten by garbage with %TOPICPARENT%. You must repair the damage done to some pages, see:
You can either:
- mail template redesigned.
- Hints for writing KSICON
- Tests /tmp/hsv2rgbhex & /tmp/rgb2hsvhex before using them
- new %KSHELP% variable
- %TMPL:INCLUDES are now expansed at generation time. Much slower at generation, but cuts disks access at runtime.
- 1.13 18 Jun 2002
- [!] you may want to apply the patch to Dec 2001 version: TWiki:Codev/SkinParamOnAllTemplateReads
(but nothing serious will happen if you dont)
- A way to re-generate templates from the web added
- bugfix: the WebList template outputted with -i was buggy (the * EMPTY line was mistaken for a web declaration)
- bugfix: when previewing a page containing html forms (such as the registration page), save buttons were inoperant Bug found by Samuel Tardieu.
- bugfix: Internet Explorer rendered badly the sitemaps, workaround for this IE bug.
- doc: which patches to apply are more explicit
- announcements of the and mailing lists
- 1.12 05 Jun 2002
- [!] Terser signature patch used, but you must apply the TWiki:Codev/TerserSignature
patch to bin/edit
- empty groups by declaration. Suggestion of Matt Wilkie. Put the word EMPTY at the start of the Web description.
- cosmetic: attachements table left-aligned in view mode
- %USERSWEB% everywhere, instead of Main. variable main settable in the script also.
- Wiki Name syntax is checked on create topic by menu
- CSS declarations trimmed (and bugfixed) to be smaller. Simple pages went from 50k to 13k.
- new KSNOICONS variable for the Web List topic
- non-clickable links are now not white to differentiate them visually from clickable web tabs
- 1.11 11 Apr 2002
- bugfix: was not working well if your directory structure differred from the distribution.
Note: No need to upgrade if you had no problem installing the 1.10 version
- 1.10 28 Mar 2002
- bugfix: editing failed (javascript error) on old versions (5.0) of IE.
- 1.9 18 Mar 2002
- [!] Forgot to mention that the RefreshEditPage patch should be applied. Apply it if you didnt already!
- Minor bug fix: QuietSave would not remove lock (change to bin/savemulti)
- 1.8 12 Mar 2002
- Some fixes to the script to make it run on windows under cygwin.
- 1.7 10 Mar 2002
- [!] Name of install topic changed from KoalaSkinPlugin to just KoalaSkin. You must rename the topic Plugins.KoalaSkinPlugin if you have one!
- This readme is now fully in TWiki syntax. You should create the topic KoalaSkin to include it (it is installed as an attachement), see new install instructions.
- script can be run from twiki dir without setting DIR
- Created the official distribution page on TWiki: TWiki:Plugins/KoalaSkin
- 1.6 8 Mar 2002
- fixes to colors in search results in bookview mode, and in rename topic (result of search for pages refering to page to be moved)
- 1.5 4 Mar 2002
- [!] NOTE: if you already applied the fix TWiki:Codev/PostfixArgToParentMeta
you need to change all 5 occurences of postfix to suffix in lib/
- -d option to bin/koalaskin-generate to generate a distrib
- Note that the RefreshEditPage fix is not needed anymore (but is not harmful)
- Use of the ?time=nnnn hack in edit pages
- 1.4 28 Feb 2002
- [!] patches to apply: #3
- new script bin/savemulti (needs a similar entry to save in bin/.htaccess), to provide in edit template 4 buttons: Save, Checkpoint, Preview, and Cancel
- Raw view with metadata option in More... (new koala templates for oopsmore & preview)
- understands the new var
- uses the new version of the PostfixToArgParentMeta
- 1.3 24 Feb 2002
- 1.2 23 Feb 2002
- everything works (but with patches to distrib).
- Announced on
- 1.1 20 Feb 2002
- First functional internal release.
- Nov 2001 First sketches in HTML+CSS by Thierry Kormann