How can I create a simple
TWiki Forms based application?
TWiki applications help automate workflows you have at the workplace. TWiki has a built-in database that can be used to write custom web applications. These are wiki applications that run in TWiki.
A typical TWiki forms based application consists of the following pages:
- Application home page, typically containing links to other application pages. It may contain also a report showing data records.
- Form definition page, defining the fields of a record. Details in TWikiForms.
- Template page, used as a template for new data records. It is essentially a TWiki page with a form attached to it. Details in TWikiTemplates.
- Header page: Optional page included in each record page to summarize the record.
- Page with an HTML form to create new records.
- Report page(s). Details in VarSEARCH and FormattedSearch.
TWiki.org has a blog post on
How to Create a TWiki Application![](/twiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/external-link.gif)
where you can learn the details.
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Contributors: TWiki:Main.MiyokoTakushima![](/twiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/external-link.gif)